Saturday, September 17, 2016

                                         Happy First Birthday to our little Rainbow Baby!

And just like that our rainbow baby is ONE! Our fourth child has officially turned one! Time seems to have gone so much faster with this child! This week, I have been working on party décor for her first birthday party. I love themed parties, so the first birthday party theme is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  I have been busy making her high chair banner, birthday banner, 0-12 month picture banner, headband & rolling streamers.

Have you ever heard the saying of how the first birthday is just as much a celebration for the parents, making through the first year, as it is for the baby celebrating his or her first birthday? I feel like this! Funny in a sense but our little one had many issues this first year, that we've never experienced before like M.S.P.I. ie milk soy protein intolerance. I was nieve, jaded to believing that exclusive breastfed babies had issues like M.S.P.I. or reflux. Boy, was I wrong!!!! I have learned many new things this go around with those issues and issues with breastfeeding. I almost feel like my own personal lactation consultant with Dr. Google at times. That's another blog to post about so stay tuned. For now, we celebrate our baby's first birthday. Can I take a moment to tell you a few things she's learning? Little Cady Bug (the nickname we gave her) is walking so well on her own now! I think I can contribute some of new skills to getting to walk the red carpet, per say, at her Uncle's house. I believe she was scared to death to walk unassisted for months in our house bc of our all wood floors! Hurts your little bootie to fall on that! We were on vaca at Uncle's house and she just ran in circle's, chasing their dog and the older kids! Cady Bug loves "makeup" and I guess that's because Mommy and two big sisters (teenagers) are always wearing it! You can say, "Put some makeup on Mommy." And she is so sweet & gets her sister's makeup brush & gingerly places it on my face. Be still my heart.

As I bring this little post to an end, I hear my girls playing a muck in the house & my timer is going off in the oven (homemade Chicago style pizza-just ask for recipe), I am thankful for another child that God has blessed us with & all the chaos it involves, at the moment, in our house.
Much Love!

Hey ya'll!

 I finally took the plunge & decided to start a blog! This is something that I have wanted to do for years. I feel like this has been pressing on my heart for quite some time but here recently is has really been on my mind indefinitely! I guess I should start by introducing myself. I am a southern gal, born & raised in the south. I married my high school sweetheart, if you wish, at the tender age of 17. My husband was 20. Don't worry, he didn't rock the cradle to much. I had graduated high school at the age of 16 & began college & working full time, the following summer. A year later, our first child was born and I guess, as they say, the rest is history! We now have four children, two dogs, one cat and have been married for over 18 years! I have spent over half of my life with my husband. We have essentially grown up together!

 I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom. My career is raising our sweet southern gals, our children, but try messing with any of them & you will hear this super mom roar!  This is definitely where I feel like God has called me to be at in life.

 My blog will be about our life together. I will talk about my achievements & failures. Life's curveballs & my organic recipes. I will talk about my stance on vaccine's & my love of teaching my children. I love to garden, craft, crochet, sew & decorate our home. This will be real, raw & open. Come join in on the fun! I'd love to have you! Welcome!